Fallout 4 enclave commander
Fallout 4 enclave commander

You can now fast travel with a Vertibird Transport! * The Citadel (No ing about the lore, mkay?) * Paradise Falls (If you are allowed to enter) * Your Tenpennytower House (If you have it) You can now call in a Vertibird that will transport you to: * Fast travel to up to 4 different player set positions * Summon assault, strike and fire support squads of Enclave or Brotherhood of Steel soldiers to shoot down your enemies! Or call in the mighty Sentry Bot. * Summon 3 different kinds of Vertibird gunships Strafing run, Bomber or Missile strike. Search for "Fallout III - Enclave Commander Mod 0.4 The purification of Little Lamplight" and you'll find it Meh, I can't link to it because it involves Little Lamplight and several Enclave Soldeirs with big guns. Added Commanders Laserpointer, fire it on an enemy will cause all soldiers to attack him, fire it on a soldier for give him custom orders.Added option to summon Outcast Enclave, or.Added individual Squad commands Follow, Wait, Guard.Replaced the useless strafing run with carpet bombing.Removed dismiss FX, it caused to many ctds.Added squad cap for future use (the squad cap is 45).Vertibird cargo drop, your very own chest to place loot in!.You now get XP for squad kills! - Thanks to TalkieToaster for his script!.The Command Radio will now work indoors.Make your own attack plans! - Make the soldiers follow your mouse! (a la Overlord) You should no longer need to make a clean save (you are still however recommended to do it).Added Chinese soldiers (set j3xvertibirdsoldiertype to 4).

fallout 4 enclave commander

Added things to do with the prisoners: Execute, Confiscate Belongings (needs a bit more work), Transport to base (just raises a counter of taken prisoners, for future use) and release.

fallout 4 enclave commander

We are currently trying to come up with the story for the mod.

fallout 4 enclave commander

This mod will probably be merged with the by THECOUNTER and LucidDose.

Fallout 4 enclave commander