The long dark save game
The long dark save game

the long dark save game

The remainder of the crossness splits two ways.ġ. The bear is an above-the-waist encounter if the struggle in the cut scene is to be believed so at what point did the bear ruin my shoes? Did it wee on them? Did it nibble them as I lay on the ground bleeding out? Did it tread on my feet like a toddler at a formal dance? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SHOES? I mean, partly I'm cross about it because the animation of being mauled by a bear is very face-centric. That happened yesterday and I am still cross about it. Stay with me as I pick through Wot I Think:

the long dark save game

Don't worry – the save game thing was a review build issue, not a thing for regular game owners to fret over! But it's meant I've needed to try to marshal my frustrations and pleasures with the game into something approaching coherence. After a save game mishap I've tagged in for the WIT of The Long Dark's second story mode episode.

The long dark save game